Is Ketamine Treatment Covered by Insurance?

Depression and anxiety are the two most common mental health disorders in the US. Millions of people struggle with life-impacting symptoms daily because of depression and anxiety.

Traditional treatments for depression and anxiety include antidepressant medication (such as Prozac, Zoloft, or others) and therapy, but for some patients, these treatments either don’t work or don’t provide enough relief.

Ketamine, originally used as an anesthetic, is a legally available treatment that has gained popularity in recent years due to its impressive ability to quickly alleviate depression and anxiety – even in treatment-resistant cases.

Ketamine has become a potential lifesaver for many patients battling treatment-resistant depression and anxiety. We have chosen ketamine as our treatment of choice at Hoosier Ketamine & Wellness because it is safe, well-tolerated, and effective. We believe it is the right treatment for most patients, especially patients who have tried other approaches without success.

Is Ketamine Covered by Insurance?

Probably the question we get asked most is whether ketamine is covered by insurance. The short answer is that no, ketamine is not covered by medical insurance. But in this case the reason is important: it’s not that ketamine isn’t safe or effective. Study after study backs up ketamine as an effective treatment. (Source)

In this case, insurance companies do not cover ketamine because although ketamine is an FDA-approved drug, ketamine for depression treatment is an off-label use. But the reason it is off-label is also important: ketamine is a generic drug so there is no financial incentive to incur the cost of obtaining FDA-approval. It has nothing to do with ketamine’s effectiveness.

Although insurance coverage can be an issue, the positive benefits of ketamine treatment should be carefully considered when making a treatment decision.

Does Ketamine Treatment Actually Work?

The most important consideration for any treatment is whether or not the treatment will work. We use ketamine as our depression and anxiety treatment of choice because of its strong track record at providing patients with real relief. Ketamine’s effectiveness stems from its ability to target the NMDA receptors in the brain. This, in turn, triggers the release of neurotransmitters that facilitate the establishment of new neural pathways and relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety.

By essentially rewiring areas negatively impacted by these mental health conditions, ketamine therapy can lead to significant improvements in mood and anxiety levels. Ketamine is particularly notable for several key reasons:

Fast-Acting Relief:

Clinical studies have consistently shown ketamine’s success as a rapid antidepressant. This allows patients to experience relief from their symptoms within hours, as opposed to the weeks or months traditional antidepressants and talk therapy may take. For those who suffer from depressive episodes or severe anxiety, this swift onset can be life-changing.

Long-Term Remission:

While the immediate effects of ketamine therapy eventually wear off, consistent and regular treatment sessions can provide lasting relief for many individuals. By maintaining a treatment schedule and working closely with healthcare professionals, patients can experience prolonged periods of remission and enjoy a better quality of life.

Reduced Risk of Side Effects:

While traditional antidepressants can have various negative side effects, such as weight gain, moodiness, and drowsiness, ketamine therapy offers a lower risk of experiencing these adverse effects. This can greatly improve the overall experience and well-being of individuals seeking treatment for depression.

Payment Options for Ketamine Treatment

Although insurance does not cover ketamine, here are three good financing options for patients:

1. HSA/FSA account. HSA and FSA accounts allow you to set aside pre-tax money to be used for healthcare costs. Ketamine treatment is a qualified healthcare procedure, thus allowing you to use tax-free money for treatment. If you have an HSA or FSA account through your employer, this can be an excellent option. FSA accounts operate on a “use it or lose it” basis, meaning you must spend the entire account balance each year or you lose the remaining account balance. Investing in your mental health is always a wise choice.

2. Third-party medical financing. We have partnered with Advance Care to help patients receive the care they need now. Advance Care offers patients the most affordable options, including interest free financing, affordable monthly payments and flexible terms.

3. Leveraging tax advantaged accounts. Tax advantaged accounts, such as 401k and Roth IRA accounts, can be used as a source to pay for treatment. Many 401k accounts allow you to take a loan against your balance. You repay the loan back into your account over time, effectively paying yourself back. With Roth IRA accounts, you can withdraw contributions you have made into your account at any time with no tax penalty. (If you are not familiar with these options, we strongly suggest you consult a financial advisor prior to taking either action).

Indianapolis Ketamine Treatment

Hoosier Ketamine & Wellness offers premier ketamine treatment in Indianapolis and surrounding areas. If you are struggling with depression, anxiety, PTSD, or other mental health condition, ketamine treatment at Hoosier Ketamine & Wellness can provide fast relief, allowing you to feel like yourself again. To see if ketamine treatment is right for you, contact us today to setup a free phone consultation.


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