What Does Depression Feel Like?

Carson (name changed) was struggling to make it to work on time. Some days he skipped entirely, finding it impossible to get out of bed. He blamed his lack of motivation on not liking his job. Since he didn’t like his job, showing up habitually late or missing work entirely seemed normal. Isn’t that what everyone does? At a doctor’s appointment, Carson was screened for depression and diagnosed with moderate depression. Suddenly, everything made sense. His poor work performance wasn’t due to laziness or lack of motivation. Carson was struggling with depression. Depression can be mistaken for other issues, such as fatigue, lack of motivation, or lack of desire. While everyone experiences these emotions from time to time, depression is a persistent feeling of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities that were previously enjoyable.

How Do I Know If I Have Depression?

There is no single symptom that confirms a diagnosis of depression. Rather, it is looking at several symptoms and behaviors that indicate you may have depression. Here are 10 warning signs to look out for:

10 Warning Signs of Depression

· Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or emptiness · Fatigue or lack of energy · Loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyable · Difficulty concentrating, making decisions, or remembering things · Changes in appetite or weight, such as significant weight loss or weight gain · Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia or oversleeping · Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt · Physical symptoms, like headaches or stomach problems, that don’t have a clear medical cause · Irritability or restlessness · Thoughts of death or suicide Not everyone experiences depression in the same way. The severity and frequency of these symptoms will vary from person to person. Having more symptoms does not necessarily mean you have a more severe case of depression. Someone with only one or two symptoms may be just as depressed as someone with more symptoms. That’s why if you suspect that you, a close friend, or loved one is dealing with depression, it’s best to seek help from a qualified mental health provider to receive an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

How Do I Know if Someone Else Has Depression?

Recognizing depression in others can be challenging. You may be able to observe someone’s outward behavior, but you can’t tell someone’s inner thoughts. Here are some outward behaviors that may indicate your friend or family member is depressed:

Withdrawing from social activities

Depression causes people to self-isolate. If your friend is avoiding social situations that they used to enjoy, or if they are canceling plans frequently, this may be a sign of depression.

Expressing negative feelings

If your friend frequently talks about feeling sad, hopeless, or worthless, this could be an indication of depression, particularly if it is unusual and out of character for your friend.

Changes in behavior

If your friend has a significant change in their behavior or personality, such as becoming more irritable or agitated, this could be a sign your friend is struggling with depression.

Changes in sleeping or eating habits

While admittedly it may be difficult to know the sleeping habits of a friend (unless you are also roommates), if your friend is struggling to get out of bed to go to work or school, that could indicate depression.

Lack of energy

If your friend complains of feeling tired or has a noticeable lack of energy, this could stem from depression. Your friend might be unable to attend school, do homework, get to work on time (or at all!), or not have the energy to visit with friends and family.

Talking about death or suicide

If your friend talks about death or suicide, even in a joking manner, this is a serious sign that they may be in danger and need professional help quickly. Do not ignore or minimize this warning sign, even if your friend claims to be joking.

Where to Get Help With Depression In Indianapolis

If you recognize several of the depression symptoms in your life, and if the symptoms have lasted for more than two weeks, it’s time to seek help. Your primary care provider, a mental health nurse practitioner, or a psychiatrist can all provide you with a diagnosis. Once you have been diagnosed with depression, you should seek treatment immediately to alleviate depression. Ketamine infusions at Hoosier Ketamine & Wellness can provide the fastest relief possible of any depression treatment available. Research studies and our own clinical experience show that patients often begin to feel better within hours or days of first ketamine treatment. And over the course of treatment, the depression lessens considerably more with each treatment. If you are looking for fast relief from depression, ketamine infusions at Hoosier Ketamine & Wellness are an effective, fast-acting treatment that can have you feeling like yourself again in a matter of weeks. Regain control of your life and make the first step today by scheduling a phone consultation. We can tell you over the phone whether ketamine is an appropriate treatment for you.

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