Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental illness where a person has unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, or ideas (obsessions) that make them worry and result in repetitive behaviors (compulsions). While many people experience episodes of obsessions and compulsions, in a person with OCD these obsessions and compulsions are so extreme that they occur frequently, trigger extreme anxiety, and interfere with day to day functioning.

What are the symptoms of OCD?

The symptoms of OCD can take the form of obsessions, compulsions, or both.

  • Obsessions – obsessive thoughts or impulses. Obsessions can take many forms, but are very bothersome to the person experiencing them. Some common obsessions include fears that you are responsible for harm or injuries to others, that your loved ones are being harmed in some way, fears of contamination, aggressive thoughts towards others, having unwanted sexual thoughts, and many other variations.
  • Compulsions – repetitive behaviors that the person feels they must do in response to an obsession. Some common compulsions include hand washing, locking/unlocking doors multiple times, avoiding contact with certain things (contamination), excessive checking (such as checking that the stove is off multiple times before leaving the house), and counting to a certain number while performing an action.


People affected by OCD generally:

  • have no control over their thoughts or behaviors, even when they recognize them as excessive
  • do not experience any pleasure while performing compulsory behaviors. Although, they may experience a brief reduction in anxiety.
  • spend at least an hour on obsessive thoughts and/or compulsive behaviors
  • experience problems in their day to day life as a result of these obsessive thoughts and/or compulsive behaviors


It is important to note that OCD symptoms may vary among individuals. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with OCD, schedule a consultation with your Hoosier Ketamine providers, Kerri Pritchard & Josh Retz, to evaluate if ketamine therapy is right for you.

How is OCD treated at Hoosier Ketamine?

Our Hoosier Ketamine providers work together with mental health professionals to create a customized plan that treats the whole person and is designed to help individuals become happier and healthier. Since our infusions are intended to work as a supplement to other mental health treatments, we ask that all our patients be under the care of a licensed mental health provider. 

During your treatment, Hoosier Ketamine providers Kerri Pritchard & Josh Retz administer a customized dose of ketamine to stimulate the production of glutamate and ease symptoms of OCD. Initial treatment typically consists of six infusions administered over the course of 2-3 weeks. After completing the first series of infusions, some people can remain symptom-free for several months. Follow-up maintenance infusions are individualized to the patient and scheduled as needed.


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